Welcome to Future Khulafa

Future Khulafa is founded on the belief that every student has the ability to achieve excellence, not just academically but also in character building.

Every aspect of the Future Khulafa experience is designed to optimise learning while retaining the fun aspect of their learning journey.

Our Environment

We have implemented safety measures that align with the latest COVID-19 advisories from the authorities. This includes frequent cleaning and sanitising, 1-metre social distancing, and air purifiers in the classrooms and common areas.

1 Tampines North Drive 1
T-Space #08-44 & #09-36
Singapore 528559

Opening Hours
Mondays to Fridays: 9am to 12pm (Level 8 only)
Saturdays & Sundays: 9am to 5pm (Level 9 only)

Hands on learning

At Future Khulafa, we encourage students to get involved in all aspects of learning. Only through experiencing the lesson through play will they be able to form the necessary thoughts processes to fully comprehend the concepts.


Our Vision & Mission

To provide a wholesome education path that begins from the early years, guiding them along as they enter different phases of their education journey.

To foster a conducive learning environment for our students by working hand in hand with parents to provide a fun and engaging learning experience for our young leaders to develop a positive mindset towards learning.


From FK Founding Team

” Future Khulafa is built on a goal of providing a wholesome education journey for our Future Leaders in the community. We currently focus on equipping 4-6 year old students with the necessary skills and content to prepare for their Madrasah Entrance Test (MET) and are further expanding beyond the primary and secondary education journey.”




Years Combined experience